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The Lasted Usage Report

No IP Function File Size Process Speed location Time
1 223.160.216.*** OFD to Word 1737.35kb 61s 中国-北京-北京 28/04/2024 00:40:47
2 221.3.93.*** PDF to Word 613.33kb 32s 中国-山东-青岛 28/04/2024 00:08:57
3 223.104.122.*** Compress PDF 5618.95kb 33s 中国-湖北省-武汉市 27/04/2024 23:54:12
4 223.104.122.*** Compress PDF 305.63kb 13s 中国-湖北省-武汉市 27/04/2024 23:49:38
5 112.54.13.*** Word to PDF 294.16kb 27s 中国-辽宁省-葫芦岛市 27/04/2024 23:41:21
6 112.54.13.*** Word to PDF 295.96kb 36s 中国-辽宁省-葫芦岛市 27/04/2024 23:38:45
7 112.54.13.*** Word to PDF 295.58kb 8s 中国-辽宁省-葫芦岛市 27/04/2024 23:34:44
8 61.139.138.*** PDF to Excel 1150.61kb 0s 中国-吉林省-长春市 27/04/2024 23:20:32
9 182.51.86.*** CAJ to PDF 2590.29kb 109s 中国-河北省-石家庄 27/04/2024 23:16:04
10 182.51.86.*** CAJ to PDF 115.76kb 18s 中国-河北省-石家庄 27/04/2024 23:10:05
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